Faleiro Insights are white papers authored by Faleiro experts on topics important to companies growing globally. Each quarter this page we will feature a new Insight article or a Global Executive’s Council Briefing.
BREXIT: Overview of the Upcoming Referendum by the UK on Remaining a Member of the European Union

The following information has been compiled for the Global Executives’ Council from multiple sources including various governments, NGOs, think tanks, media outlets, and corporate sources. The analysis of this information is meant to provide a concise, high-level picture of the “Brexit” situation for members of the GEC so that they may better understand the possible implications of a change in membership status of the United Kingdom in the European Union. It is important to recognize that there are no certainties with respect to the Brexit and possible geopolitical or economic reactions.
[For full briefing, Faleiro clients may request a copy from their Faleiro lead contact.]
Overview of US Presidential (Primary) Candidate’s Positions on Trade

The following information has been compiled for the Global Executives’ Council from multiple sources including various media outlets, think tanks, and candidate websites. It will be updated and redistributed to GEC members periodically throughout the campaign. The following pages are unbiased and not meant to show favor or endorse any candidate. The order of presentation is alphabetical, initially by party, then by last name. Length of reporting on each candidate varies and is reflective only of the amount of information available on a particular candidate.
[For full briefing, Faleiro clients may request a copy from their Faleiro lead contact.]
Strategy vs. Tactics: What is the Difference?
One simple way to think about strategy and tactics is to look at tactics as the tools and strategy as the plan for the combined application of those tools, i.e. a plan detailing when the tools are used, how the tools are used and to what extent they are used. It is, however, more than just a plan. It is a plan that is crafted in such a way as to incorporate critical pieces of information that can have an influence on the performance outcome….[continue reading]
Taming Big Data: Five Steps to Alignment with Business Requirements
We live in the era of Big Data, a time when it is impossible to keep up with best practices and lessons learned without running into someone mentioning Big Data. If you are in any way involved with marketing or strategy, more than likely (and hopefully) you are somehow involved with data collection and interpretation. This is especially true with those involved in the world of digital strategy, a field that has led to this era of Big Data by the very nature of the amount of information that is possible to measure and collect through the digital realm. Everyone is applying techniques like SEO and SEM, and measuring effectiveness by looking at the analytics, from unique visits to time on a page. Reports are produced showing KPIs, whose results are passed onto Regional Vice Presidents, Global Brand Directors, Vice Presidents of Marketing, Sales, etc. And while we may relish in the amount of data being produced, and be content that we are following all the rules that we need to be following, the true question comes down to one of effectiveness. With all the tactics, and all the data, are we truly being effective in our ultimate goal: having our message reach our target audience in such a way that they are able to take an action based upon that information? [continue reading]